Friday, May 20, 2011

Ajari Joan

A fallen priest from Hakkostu-San(skeleton Mountain) region of Japan, Ajari Joan fell in love with a beautiful girl, a grave sin for a buddhist priest. His shame turned him into a demon and he ravaged and destroyed his own temple. In his old age he re-pented in deep prayer through a supreme act of will. While praying for redemption , his body rotted away, turning him into a skeleton. From the book HAUNTED by:Dave Fox this is more of a rendition of Ajari Joan rather than a reproduction, It's Dave Fox's art work but small adjustments were made to make it a bit more towards Bruces Ideas. I had so much fun on this job i was sad when it was over. Can't wait to get healed pics I put a lot of yellow highlights in this one can't wait till they show. Enjoy:)

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